Happy me, is happy.


Assalamualaikum, hellooooooooooooo guys. What's up yo ? Hahahahaahahahahaha, k. What an annoying 'welcome note' for today's post ? .____. Sorry, pretty happy today. Wow, I wonder why I'm too happy today. Alhamdulillah, for everything. Let's go, and hope you enjoy my story for today's post. Bismillahirahmanirahim :>

So, today is Monday and everything went well. I went to school as usual at 7.12am something and met my friends  (Akmma, NadiaJ & Syikin) outside and 'haii' them happily. We entered into the sch and were like started talking much while laughing and giggling together. We went to the Wangsa Bestari hall where all the students gathered for an assembly. Then, the teachers started to give a speech about the '3K' and stuff. As usually, I was talking behind with my friends/classmates about all funny things. Haa, such a bad student I am. Omg

Then, after the assembly done. The teacher asked all the form3 & 5 students go to our classroom for PNP. So, we (Form3 & 5) went to our classes except for the form4 students. They've got an event in the hall, I guess. Idk, so when I arrived in the class I went to one of my classmates (Najwa) to discuss about the class stuff. We both asked Hazim to help us stick all the um .... I called it a colourful pattern. Lol, I guess. It is for the 'class motto' on the ceiling. After finished, sticking up on the ceiling. We was like 'haha, a bit funny. It is soooooo kindergarden' and the pattern was like ... yeah nice. Hahaha, overall its pretty nice. Then, its Bahasa Malaysia period. Pn. Azizah class, omg a bit shocked to face the reality that her mood for today was totally OKAY. Also the same thing with Pn. Azizan's mood. I love their mood for today, hopefully they'll be teaching us using the same mood like today for tomorrow and the very next day, Amin.

Lastly, my classmates are being so awesome today. They makes me happy, smiling and be cheerful. Alhamdulillah, thank you guys for making me happy. Especially, Akmma, Syikin, Izzatie, NadiaJ, NadiaZ, Nadirah, Natrah, Ras, Amier, Hasif, Najwa, Maizura, Fifi, Hazim, Nizam and much more. Special thanks to my teachers for their 'okay/awesome' mood for today. HAHAHA, ok. LOL