Assalamualaikum, hello guys I'm back ! Ho-yeah, I'm fine here Alhamdulillah. Hope you guy too, Amin. Sooooooo, school is just around the corner and so does my Intervensi 1 examination. OH NOOOO, I am not prepared for anything. All of my homework, are still in my bag. What a great ....... and I know right. No revision or any exercises. Nyeh, I bet my friends didn't finish their homework too. LOL, ok.

Let's get it started with my story, I'm not going anywhere today. Lifeless week tho, lifeless week. Went to the extra class for two days since Thursday. Which is not awesome at all, everytime I'm in the class. My eyes close and I'm so sleepy. Oh, mayn. My daily routine for this 1week holiday is just sleep, eat, go to an extra class, singing, laughing, had so much fun doing all that till I forgot bout my homework. Dammio, Liyana. Gah, nuff with all of these homework stuff and my daily lifeless thingy. Just so you know, you guys are lucky, I mean too lucky cause you guys went to somewhere for a holiday. Me? Sleep and eat at home. Ohhhhh, sound sucks. Today is Saturday, and tomorrow's gonna be my last day to ...... have fun ?? Ahaaa, yeah. Sad Liyana, is sad. I hope for a better result for this up-coming examination, Amin. I'll try to fit my time for everything, especially to do a lot of revision/exercises.

I guess, that's all from me for this post. Havva a nice day, guys ! Take care, stay in school. Hahaha, ok.