On stage for the first time.

Nervous + Excited
Assalamualaikum, I'm back. Its been awhile since I'm busy with my school stuff and events. Pretty excited, nervous and happy for this week. But all that feelings are gone right after I sang "The Climb by Miley Cyrus" to the judges (Pn. Fizah, Nadirah, Pn. Hanim & Natrah) for English week (The Voice) on stage for the first time. I can't really describe how does it feel standing and singing infront of my schoolmates on stage solo, singing high pitch song mayn. Hahahaha, its a memory that I will remember, forever. Hihi

Let me story to you guys more ..

Well, for the first time Jammy & Afham came to my class and asked if there's anyone want to enter the competition. It was called 'The Voice'. It sounds cool, my friends/classmates expect me to enter the competition. Unfortunately, I told the girls. "Na'ah, its okay." And my friends were quit disappointed at me. Suddenly, for a few days later .. I was thinking to enter the competition. I don't know why I'm too excited to enter the competition. Lastly, I made a decision to be in the competition. My friends were all excited to know that I participated in the competition. Haha it was quit funny tho. And, I don't know why I chose The Climb for the competition. Maybe I thought the song was too inspired for me. Hihi

I kept practicing 24/7 and I have to eat wisely. I can't eat spicy foods & cold drinks to take care of my voice. Quit tough mayn. But its okay. So, the date for the competition is today (13th March 2013). Alhamdulillah, everything went well. I'm nervous, shaking and can't breathe of course. But I took the risk. Hahahaha, Experienced, its a funny and unbelievable experienced. And, I really had fun on stage :>

Oh yeah, not forget to all my classmates and my best friends. Thank you for stay back and came to school before 2pm to watch me perform on stage. I love you guys so much. Always do 5 Account xx