Assalamualaikum dear viewers. School holidays just started. And, I am 50 happy, 50 sad. Yeap, I hate it when it is school holidays. But, teachers gave us (students) a lot of homework. Aren't you hate it too ? *cough* Well, its ok actually. Atleast, we all have time to rest. And, that's what makes me happy !

Talk about school holidays huh, I have no idea where I'll be going with my family. But, I have a feeling that I am not going anywhere for this 1week school holidays. Have no money, plus got too many works to do. Pretty sad and jealous tho with some of my friends who going out to their village, vacation for 2-3 days. Hmm, I'm at home doing nothing except for sleeping, finish up my homework, feed cats as usual. But I am grateful for what I have and what I'm doing right now. Alhamdulillah

I went to the Wangsa Walk with my aunt & lil' sis around 1pm just now. My lil' sis messed up my phone till it can't ON. I am so angry with her. But, its ok. Everything's fine now. It took an expensive cost to repair my phone. Credits to my aunt who payed it for me. Alhamdulillah. Now I can hear songs, watch some videos, youtubing, tweet and much more by using my phone. Ahh *relief* After I repaired my phone, I went to the Cup-Bon stall and bought Vanilla blended with pearl and it is heaven mayn. I just can't. Ho-yeah

And we went back home and have our rest. So yeah, now I just woke up and straight away on my aunt's laptop and update this thing. I rarely online now. I'm trying to focus my mind on my studies. Talk about studies, my marks for my inter. 1 is pretty sucks. I am pretty sad and mad at myself. I don't want to repeat it again. And, that's why I want to focus on my studies. Need a lot of helps from my family & friends to teach me subjects that I failed and sucks. 

I think, that's all from me for now. I'll update my blog next time when I'm free. Take care yalls.