#ARTPOP #QueenGaga #Littlemonsters , happy Sunday election day guys .

Can't wait for Gaga's #ARTPOP to come out.

 Assalamualaikum, what's up my dear people. Good afternoon, have a nice day ahead guys. So, here I am once again in front of my mum's laptop with a cup of hot tea updating my blog for today. By the way, I really can't wait for Lady Gaga's Art Pop album to come out. And yeah, get well soon my dearest mother monster hehehe xx
Let's get it started ...

I woke up at 9am and my family are all busy for their job to vote for the best. I mean, the election thingy. Yeah, Bla bla bla let's just skip that topic. After they done their job, they went back home and bought me a lunch box set. So I rushed to the toilet and hit the shower. *7mins later* I took my lunch with Bismillahirahmanirahim and Alhamdulillah I'm full. I have eaten rice with fried chicken and chicken curry. Right after my lunch, I grabbed my mum's laptop to update my blog and tweet much. Hehehehe cause I can. Lol, I'm home alone. This thing happens everytime on the weekend. Ugh tomorrow is Monday and it's a school holiday. OH that cheers me up hehehehehe, you guys too right ? I know. I ironed my school uniform yesterday, it's gonna be a day for me to study tomorrow. Hmm got an examination paper on Tuesday. Seems Syafiq is here, today I'll be resting and have fun with my family. There's so much things that I want to say & story it here. But I really got to go now. So I'll be here soon after my examination end up.

Thank you for reading and stop by here. Goodbye !