Sports Day > 2013

Assalamualaikum dear people on earth!!

 Last week was my school sports day which is a hectic and well spent day with my beloved schoolmates. It was really busy, stressful week. I have too many things to do before the sports day and yeah finally I've made it. Yeyerz!

I went to school around 7am and I saw a lot of students with a happy and joyful faces with each of their friends snapping pictures, talking and laughing together. Than I saw, my beloved friends walking to somewhere so I followed them to the hall. We talked and laughed much .. suddenly one of the teacher called everyone at the hall to go to the field because the event was about to start. A few minutes later, everyone was there but the event didn't even started yet. We've waited about 20-30mins for the event to start. Ha ha, the weather so hot ... its okay its worth it to wait lol I think so. While waiting for the VVIP guests, my friends and I have a walked upstairs for breakfast. Hehehe I ate Syafiqah mother's bihun and it was very delicious !!! Alhamdulillah. One hour later, the event started by singing the Negaraku song ... We went downstairs and watched all the competitors ran to be the number one/winner. I support Topaz no matter what, forever Topaz hihihihi. 

Before the event end up, my friends and I snapped a lot of pictures together. And, yes we had so much fun together. Thank you so much guys for make me happy
! xx