1st sem, 2014

Assalamualaikum, what's up blogger? Hope that you guys are feeling good, there. Cause I am a little bit sick tonight, can't even think clearly. But it's okay, I am so excited to update my blog. But, first of all, I just wanted to tell you guys that it has been such an exhausted and tiring month ever. It is August now, and my final exam will be starting on September. And not to forget that I have been learning  for my 1st sem in PTPL Ampang for 4months sharp. Wow, time flies so fast! It feels good by the way!! Hehe

Based on the picture above, I know you guys have been wonder who are those people I took a photo with, and where am I lol is it? Na'ah, it's okay. Let me tell you, they are my college mate, my seniors & also my friends. Well, I don't really have a lot of picture with them. So that is all I can fit in this blog haaaa, I hope that it is ok. The picture where I am wearing an orange t-shirt colour is where my fellow SISE lecturers & seniors held a game called ' Running Man ' at Taman Tasik Titiwangsa, yesterday. It was a very tiring event. Yet, fun to play.

The Leo line illustration art picture is where I made it for my assignment. My Visual Research assignment. It took me about 3 to 4weeks to finished it. Alhamdulillah, I managed to finished it before the deadline. It is so hard to draw it. Thank you to one of my high school friend & my lecturer for helping me through the hard time. If not because of their help, I wont be able to finished it on time. Glad to have people like them in my life, what a relieved.

The last picture where I am wearing blue shirt is where I had a practice for my 1st ever oath taking 2014 at my college Auditorium and went out to the Wangsa Walk Mall with my beloved senior, Emy. Yeah, it is pretty an amazing week to me. Had a lot of fun! I think, that's all for tonight. I appreciate that you stop by to my blog and read the whole passage. Lots of love...